CVD::ImageError::AccessOutsideImage | An attempt was made to access a pixel outside the image |
CVD::Exceptions::Convolution::All | Base class for all Image_IO exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::All | Base class for all DiskBuffer2 exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::Vision::All | Base class for all Image_IO exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::All | Base class for all V4L2 exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer3::All | Class for all DVBuffer3 exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::Draw::All | Base class for all Image_IO exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::All | Base class for all V4L1 exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::All | Base class for all V4L2 exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::All | |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::All | |
CVD::Exceptions::DeinterlaceBuffer::All | Base class for all DeinterlaceBuffer exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::All | Base class for all CVD exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::GLWindow::All | Base class for all CVD::GLWindow exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::TimedDiskBuffer::All | Base class for all DiskBuffer2 exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::Image::All | Base class for all Image_IO exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoBuffer::All | Base class for all VideoBuffer exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoDisplay::All | Base class for all CVD::VideoDisplay exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::All | Base class for all VideoFileBuffer exceptions |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::BadCameraSelection | Bad camera selection |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoBuffer::BadColourSpace | The videobuffer was unable to successfully initialize grabbing in the specified colourspace |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::BadDecode | Unable to decode the video frame |
CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadFile | An error occurred trying to open a file |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::BadFrameAlloc | Unable to open allocate a video frame |
CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadImage | An error occurred trying to read a file as an image |
CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadImageSize | The file loaded was a different size from the first frame |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoBuffer::BadPutFrame | The VideoBuffer was unable to successfully complete a VideoBuffer::put_frame() operation |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::BadSeek | Seek_to() was called for an invalid timestamp |
CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadSeek | Seek_to() was called for an invalid timestamp |
CVD::Exceptions::BadSubscript | Exception if subscript for [] is not 0 or 1 |
CVD::BasicImage< T > | A generic image class to manage a block of data as an image |
CVD::bayer | A dedicated bayer datatype to configure the V4L1 device to return bayer images |
CVD::Interpolate::Bicubic | This class is for bicubic (not bicubic spline) interpolation |
CVD::Interpolate::Bilinear | This class is for bilinear interpolation |
CVD::Brezenham | Class to implement the Bresenham line-drawing algorithm |
CVD::Brezenham8 | Class to implement the Bresenham line-drawing algorithm |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::BusReset | Bus reset needed |
CVD::CastCopy< T, S > | |
CVD::CastCopy< T, T > | |
CVD::color< T, N > | Traits type defining colors for pixel types |
CVD::color< T, 1 > | Traits type defining colors for pixel types |
CVD::color< T, 3 > | Traits type defining colors for pixel types |
CVD::ColourspaceBuffer< T, From > | A decorator class which wraps a VideoBuffer to perfrom colourspace conversion on the incoming data |
CVD::ColourspaceBuffer_managed< T, From > | This is just like ColourspaceBuffer, except it deleted the videobuffer on destruction |
CVD::ColourspaceFrame< T > | A frame from a ColourspaceBuffer. Can be treated as a VideoFrame |
CVD::ConstSubImageIterator< T > | |
CVD::ConstSubImageIteratorEnd< T > | |
CVD::ConvertImage< From, To, Conv, both_pod > | |
CVD::ConvertImage< Rgb< byte >, byte, Pixel::CIE< Rgb< byte >, byte >, 1 > | |
CVD::ConvertImage< T, T, Pixel::GenericConversion< T, T >, 1 > | |
CVD::ConvolveMiddle< T, N, C > | |
CVD::ConvolveMiddle< T, 0, 1 > | |
CVD::ConvolveMiddle< T, N, 1 > | |
CVD::ConvolveMiddle< T,-1, 1 > | |
CVD::ConvolveMiddle< T,-1, C > | |
CVD::Exceptions::GLWindow::CreationError | An exception occurred during initialisation |
Camera::Cubic | A camera with zero skew and cubic distortion |
CVD::cvd_timer | Provides the time elapsed in seconds |
cvd_video1394_mmap | |
cvd_video1394_wait | |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::DC1394Setup | Error with DC1394 setup |
CVD::DeinterlaceBuffer< T > | A decorator class which wraps a VideoBuffer to return fields instead of the original frames (see also DeinterlaceFrame) |
CVD::DeinterlaceFrame< T > | A frame from a DeinterlaceBuffer, representing one field from an interlaced frame |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::DeviceOpen | Error opening the device |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::DeviceOpen | Error opening the device |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::DeviceOpen | Error opening the device |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::DeviceOpen | Error opening the device |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::DeviceOpen | Error opening the device |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::DeviceSetup | Error setting up the device |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::DeviceSetup | Error doing some later setup action |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::DeviceSetup | Error setting up the device |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::DeviceSetup | Error setting up the device |
CVD::DiskBuffer2< T > | Play a series of image files as a video stream |
CVD::DiskBuffer2Frame< T > | A frame from a DiskBuffer2 |
CVD::DVBuffer2< T > | A video buffer from a Firewire (IEEE 1394) camera |
CVD::DVBuffer3< pixel_T > | A video buffer from a Firewire (IEEE 1394) camera |
CVD::DVFrame | A frame from a Firewire (IEEE 1394) camera via DVBuffer2 |
CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::EndOfBuffer | Get_frame() was called when at the end of the buffer |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::EndOfFile | Get_frame() was called when at the end of the buffer |
CVD::EventObject | Encapsulation of a condition variable and its boolean condition |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::FileOpen | Unable to open the file as a video stream, for various reasons |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::GetFrame | Error in a get_frame() call |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::GetFrame | Error in a get_frame() call |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::GetFrame | Error in a get_frame() call |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::GetFrame | Error in a get_frame() call |
CVD::GetPixelRowTyped< A, B > | |
CVD::GetPixelRowTyped< T, T > | |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::GetValue | Error querying value |
CVD::GLWindow | An object that creates a window and a GL context attached to that window, and manages its events |
CVD::GLWindow::Event | |
CVD::GLWindow::EventHandler | Abstract base class for event handlers. Subclass this and override to implement a handler |
CVD::GLWindow::EventSummary | A summary of multiple events |
CVD::Gradient< S, T, 1, 2 > | |
CVD::Greater | |
Camera::Harris | A Camera with zero skew and Harris distortion |
CVD::Harris::HarrisScore | Compute the corner score according to Harris |
CVD::ILinear | A reweighting class representing no reweighting in IRLS |
CVD::Image< T > | A full image which manages its own data |
CVD::image_interpolate< I, P > | This is a generic interpolation class which wraps in image and provides a similar interface for floating point pixel positions |
CVD::ImageCreationIterator< T > | An input iterator which just returns N copies of the same value over and over again |
CVD::ImageRef | |
CVD::Exceptions::Draw::ImageRefNotInImage | Input ImageRef not within image dimensions |
CVD::Exceptions::Vision::ImageRefNotInImage | Input ImageRef not within image dimensions |
CVD::Exceptions::Image::ImageRefNotInImage | Input ImageRef not within image dimensions |
CVD::Exceptions::Convolution::IncompatibleImageSizes | Input images have incompatible dimensions |
CVD::Exceptions::Vision::IncompatibleImageSizes | Input images have incompatible dimensions |
CVD::Exceptions::Draw::IncompatibleImageSizes | Input images have incompatible dimensions |
CVD::Exceptions::Image::IncompatibleImageSizes | Input images have incompatible dimensions |
CVD::Exceptions::TimedDiskBuffer::IncompatibleListLengths | List lengths for name and time lists do not agree |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoDisplay::InitialisationError | An exception occurred during initialisation |
CVD::IRLS< Size, Reweight > | Performs iterative reweighted least squares |
CVD::La< T > | A colour consisting of luminance and alpha components |
CVD::Less | |
Camera::Linear | A linear camera with zero skew |
CVD::LocalVideoBuffer< T > | Base class for a VideoBuffer which manages its own memory for each VideoFrame that it provides |
CVD::LocalVideoFrame< T > | A frame from a LocalVideoBuffer, which manages its own data rather than wrapping data owned by the system |
CVD::Lock | A utility class for locking and unlocking Synchronized objects automatically |
CVD::MessageQueue< C > | This class provides a simple, thread safe FIFO message queue |
CVD::multiplyBy< T > | Functor multiplying pixels with constant value |
CVD::Interpolate::NearestNeighbour | This does not interpolate: it uses the nearest neighbour |
CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::NoFiles | An empty list of filename strings was passed to the buffer |
CVD::O2Buffer | A video buffer to play live video on an SGI O2 |
CVD::O2VideoFrame | A frame from an O2Buffer |
CVD::Exceptions::DeinterlaceBuffer::OddNumberOfLines | The VideoBuffer that is being wrapped does not have an even number of lines (so the odd and even- fields would not be the same size) |
CVD::Exceptions::OutOfMemory | Out of memory exception |
CVD::Harris::PairInserter | Used to save corner positions and scores from harrislike_corner_detect |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::ParameterNotSupported | Unsupported parameter |
CVD::ParseException | |
CVD::Harris::PosInserter | Used to save corner positions from harrislike_corner_detect |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::PutFrame | Error in a put_frame() call |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::PutFrame | Error in a put_frame() call |
CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::PutFrame | Error in a put_frame() call |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::PutFrame | Error in a put_frame() call |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::QueryParameters | Error querying device parameters |
Camera::Quintic | A camera with zero skew and quintic distortion |
CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::Raw1394Setup | Error with RAW1394 setup |
CVD::DC::RawDCVideo | Internal (non type-safe) class used by DVBuffer2 to do the actual interfacing with the Firewire (IEE 1394) video hardware |
CVD::DV3::RawDVBuffer3 | Non-templated libDC1394 interface |
CVD::SGI::RawSGIVideo | Internal (non type-safe) class used by O2Buffer to do the actual interfacing with the SGI video hardware |
CVD::V4L1::RawV4L1 | Internal (non type-safe) class used by V4L1Buffer classes to access video devices with v4l1 drivers |
CVD::VFB::RawVideoFileBuffer | Internal (non type-safe) class used by VideoFileBuffer This does the real interfacing with the ffmpeg library |
CVD::ReadAheadVideoBuffer< T > | Decorator video buffer that preloads frames asynchronously in a separate thread |
CVD::Rgb< T > | A colour consisting of red, green and blue components |
CVD::Rgb8 | |
CVD::Rgba< T > | A colour consisting of red, green, blue and alpha components |
CVD::RingBuffer< T > | Implements a ringbuffer based on std::vector |
CVD::RobustI | Robust reweighting (type I) for IRLS |
CVD::RobustII | Robust reweighting (type II) for IRLS |
CVD::Runnable | This is an abstract base class for anything with a run() method |
CVD::RunnableBatch | This class provides a simple job manager for tasks derived from CVD:Runnable |
CVD::Exceptions::GLWindow::RuntimeError | An exception occurred during run-time |
CVD::Exceptions::VideoDisplay::RuntimeError | An exception occurred during run-time |
CVD::ServerPushJpegBuffer< C > | Play a server push stream as a video stream |
CVD::ServerPushJpegFrame< T > | |
CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::SetValue | Error setting value |
CVD::Harris::ShiTomasiScore | Compute the score according to Shi-Tomasi |
Camera::SquareHarris | This camera class is a very similar to the Harris model |
CVD::SubImage< T > | A generic image class to manage a block of arbitrarily padded data as an image |
CVD::SubImageIterator< T > | |
CVD::SubImageIteratorEnd< T > | |
CVD::SumSquaredDifferences< R, D, T > | |
CVD::Synchronized | A Synchronized object encapsulates a basic mutex |
CVD::Thread | The Thread class encapsulates a thread of execution |
CVD::TimedDiskBuffer< T > | Play a series of image files as a video stream and use a list of provided timestamps |
CVD::Pixel::traits< bayer, LIFT > | |
CVD::V4L1Buffer< T > | A video buffer from a v4l1 video device |
CVD::V4L1Frame< T > | A frame from a V4L1Buffer |
CVD::V4L2_Traits< CVD::YC > | |
CVD::V4L2_Traits< unsigned char > | |
CVD::V4L2Buffer_Base | A live video buffer from a the framegrabber (using the Video for Linux 2 API) |
CVD::V4L2BufferT< T > | |
CVD::V4L::V4L2Client | |
CVD::V4L::V4L2Client::Buffer | |
CVD::V4L2FrameT< T > | A frame from a V4L2Buffer This is an 8-bit greyscale video frame |
CVD::V4LBuffer< T > | A live video buffer which uses the Video for Linux 2 (V4L2) API |
CVD::V4LControl | Exposes the V4L2 API to set parameters on a capture device |
CVD::VideoBuffer< T > | Base class for objects which provide a video stream |
CVD::VideoBufferData | Base class for objects that a video buffer can manage the lifetime of |
CVD::VideoBufferDataAuto< T > | |
CVD::VideoBufferType | The semsntics of the videobuffer. See VideoFrame::type() |
CVD::VideoDisplay | A cheap and cheerful GL display window using X and the GLX library |
CVD::VideoFileBuffer< T > | A video buffer to play frames from a video file |
CVD::VideoFileFrame< T > | A frame from a VideoFileBuffer |
CVD::VideoFrame< T > | A frame from a VideoBuffer |
CVD::VideoSource | |
CVD::VideoSourceException | |
CVD::vuy422 | A datatype to represent the other yuv422 (uyvy) data |
CVD::YC | |
CVD::yuv411 | A datatype to represent yuv411 (uyyvyy) data, typically from firewire cameras |
CVD::yuv420p | A datatype to represent yuv420p (yy |
CVD::yuv422 | A datatype to represent yuv422 (yuyv) data |
CVD::ZeroPixel< T, pod > | |
CVD::ZeroPixel< T, true > | |
CVD::ZeroPixels< T, pod > | |
CVD::ZeroPixels< T, true > | |