CVD::Interpolate::Bilinear Class Reference

#include <image_interpolate.h>

Detailed Description

This class is for bilinear interpolation.

Define $p' = ( \operatorname{floor}\ x, \operatorname{floor}\ y)$ and $\delta = p - p'$

4 pixels in a square with $p'$ in the top left corner are taken:

\[\begin{array}{rl} a =& I(p')\\ b =& I(p' + (1,0))\\ c =& I(p' + (0,1))\\ d =& I(p' + (1,1)) \end{array} \]

The interpolated value, $v$, is

\[v = (1-\delta_y)((1-\delta_x)a + \delta_xb) + \delta_y((1-\delta_x)c + \delta_xd)\]

Definition at line 42 of file image_interpolate.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Feb 18 10:23:17 2009 for CVD by  doxygen 1.5.3