Computer Vision

Detailed Description

Functions and classes to support common computer vision concepts and operations.


namespace  Camera


class  Camera::Linear
 A linear camera with zero skew. More...
class  Camera::Cubic
 A camera with zero skew and cubic distortion. More...
class  Camera::Quintic
 A camera with zero skew and quintic distortion. More...
class  Camera::Harris
 A Camera with zero skew and Harris distortion. More...
struct  CVD::Harris::HarrisScore
 Compute the corner score according to Harris. More...
struct  CVD::Harris::ShiTomasiScore
 Compute the score according to Shi-Tomasi. More...
struct  CVD::Harris::PosInserter
 Used to save corner positions from harrislike_corner_detect. More...
struct  CVD::Harris::PairInserter
 Used to save corner positions and scores from harrislike_corner_detect. More...
struct  CVD::multiplyBy< T >
 a functor multiplying pixels with constant value. More...


void CVD::connected_components (const std::vector< ImageRef > &v, std::vector< std::vector< ImageRef > > &r)
template<class T>
CVD::gaussianKernel (std::vector< T > &k, T maxval, double stddev)
template<class S, class T>
CVD::scaleKernel (const std::vector< S > &k, std::vector< T > &scaled, T maxval)
template<class T>
void CVD::convolveWithBox (const BasicImage< T > &I, BasicImage< T > &J, ImageRef hwin)
void CVD::fast_nonmax (const BasicImage< byte > &im, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier, std::vector< ImageRef > &max_corners)
void CVD::fast_nonmax_with_scores (const BasicImage< byte > &im, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier, std::vector< std::pair< ImageRef, int > > &max_corners)
void CVD::fast_corner_detect_7 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void CVD::fast_corner_score_7 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void CVD::fast_corner_detect_8 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void CVD::fast_corner_score_8 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void CVD::fast_corner_detect_9 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void CVD::fast_corner_score_9 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void CVD::fast_corner_detect_9_nonmax (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &max_corners, int barrier)
void CVD::fast_corner_detect_10 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void CVD::fast_corner_score_10 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void CVD::fast_corner_detect_11 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void CVD::fast_corner_score_11 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
void CVD::fast_corner_detect_12 (const BasicImage< byte > &im, std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int barrier)
void CVD::fast_corner_score_12 (const SubImage< byte > &i, const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, int b, std::vector< int > &scores)
template<class It>
void CVD::haar1D (It from, It to)
template<class It>
void CVD::haar1D (It from, int size)
template<class It>
void CVD::haar2D (It from, const int width, const int height, int stride=-1)
template<class T>
void CVD::haar2D (SubImage< T > &I)
template<class Score, class Inserter, class C, class B>
void CVD::harrislike_corner_detect (const BasicImage< B > &i, C &c, unsigned int N, float blur, float sigmas, BasicImage< float > &xx, BasicImage< float > &xy, BasicImage< float > &yy)
template<class S, class D>
void CVD::integral_image (const SubImage< S > &in, SubImage< D > &out)
template<class S, class D>
Image< D > CVD::integral_image (const BasicImage< S > &from)
double CVD::interpolate_extremum (double d1, double d2, double d3)
TooN::Vector< 2 > CVD::interpolate_extremum (double I__1__1, double I__1_0, double I__1_1, double I_0__1, double I_0_0, double I_0_1, double I_1__1, double I_1_0, double I_1_1)
template<class I>
TooN::Vector< 2 > CVD::interpolate_extremum (const SubImage< I > &i, ImageRef p)
< TooN::Vector< 2 >,
double > 
CVD::interpolate_extremum_value (double I__1__1, double I__1_0, double I__1_1, double I_0__1, double I_0_0, double I_0_1, double I_1__1, double I_1_0, double I_1_1)
template<class I>
< TooN::Vector< 2 >,
double > 
CVD::interpolate_extremum_value (const SubImage< I > &i, ImageRef p)
void CVD::nonmax_suppression_strict (const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, const std::vector< int > &scores, std::vector< ImageRef > &nmax_corners)
void CVD::nonmax_suppression (const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, const std::vector< int > &scores, std::vector< ImageRef > &nmax_corners)
void CVD::nonmax_suppression_with_scores (const std::vector< ImageRef > &corners, const std::vector< int > &socres, std::vector< std::pair< ImageRef, int > > &max_corners)
template<class C>
Image< TooN::Matrix< 2 > > CVD::dense_tensor_vote_gradients (const SubImage< C > &image, double sigma, double ratio, double cutoff=0.001, unsigned int num_divs=4096)
template<class T>
void CVD::halfSample (const BasicImage< T > &in, BasicImage< T > &out)
template<class T>
Image< T > CVD::halfSample (const BasicImage< T > &in)
template<class T>
Image< T > CVD::halfSample (Image< T > in, unsigned int octaves)
template<class T>
void CVD::threshold (BasicImage< T > &im, const T &minimum, const T &hi)
template<class T>
void CVD::stats (const BasicImage< T > &im, T &mean, T &stddev)
template<class S, class T>
void CVD::gradient (const BasicImage< S > &im, BasicImage< T > &out)


const ImageRef CVD::fast_pixel_ring [16]

Function Documentation

void CVD::connected_components ( const std::vector< ImageRef > &  v,
std::vector< std::vector< ImageRef > > &  r 

Find the connected components of the input, using 4-way floodfill.

This is implemented as the graph based algorithm. There is no restriction on the input except that positions can not be INT_MIN or INT_MAX.

The pixels in the resulting segments are not sorted.

v List of pixel positions
r List of segments.

template<class T>
T CVD::gaussianKernel ( std::vector< T > &  k,
double  stddev 
) [inline]

creates a Gaussian kernel with given maximum value and standard deviation.

All elements of the passed vector are filled up, therefore the vector defines the size of the computed kernel. The normalizing value is returned.

k vector of T's holds the kernel values
maxval the maximum value to be used
stddev standard deviation of the kernel
the sum of the kernel elements for normalization

Definition at line 48 of file convolution.h.

template<class S, class T>
T CVD::scaleKernel ( const std::vector< S > &  k,
std::vector< T > &  scaled,
) [inline]

scales a GaussianKernel to a different maximum value.

The new kernel is returned in scaled. The new normalizing value is returned.

k input kernel
scaled output vector to hold the resulting kernel
maxval the new maximum value
sum of the new kernel elements for normalization

Definition at line 73 of file convolution.h.

template<class T>
void CVD::convolveWithBox ( const BasicImage< T > &  I,
BasicImage< T > &  J,
ImageRef  hwin 
) [inline]

convolves an image with a box of given size.

I input image, modified in place
hwin window size, this is half of the box size

Definition at line 141 of file convolution.h.

References CVD::assign_multiple(), CVD::SubImage< T >::data(), CVD::differences(), CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::ImageRef::x, CVD::ImageRef::y, and CVD::zeroPixels().

Referenced by CVD::convolveWithBox().

void CVD::fast_nonmax ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  max_corners 

Perform non-maximal suppression on a set of FAST features.

This cleans up areas where there are multiple adjacent features, using a computed score function to leave only the 'best' features. This function is typically called immediately after a call to fast_corner_detect() (or one of its variants). This uses the scoring function given in the paper given in fast_corner_detect_9:

im The image used to generate the FAST features
corners The FAST features previously detected (e.g. by calling fast_corner_detect())
barrier The barrier used to calculate the score, which should be the same as that passed to fast_corner_detect()
max_corners Vector to be filled with the new list of locally maximal corners.

void CVD::fast_nonmax_with_scores ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier,
std::vector< std::pair< ImageRef, int > > &  max_corners 

Perform non-maximal suppression on a set of FAST features, also returning the score for each remaining corner.

This function cleans up areas where there are multiple adjacent features, using a computed score function to leave only the 'best' features. This function is typically called immediately after a call to fast_corner_detect() (or one of its variants).

im The image used to generate the FAST features
corners The FAST features previously detected (e.g. by calling fast_corner_detect())
barrier The barrier used to calculate the score, which should be the same as that passed to fast_corner_detect()
max_corners Vector to be filled with the new list of locally maximal corners, and their scores. non_maxcorners[i].first gives the location and non_maxcorners[i].second gives the score (higher is better).

void CVD::fast_corner_detect_7 ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier 

Perform tree based 7 point FAST feature detection.

This is more like an edge detector. If you use this, please cite the paper given in fast_corner_detect_9

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Corner detection threshold

void CVD::fast_corner_score_7 ( const SubImage< byte > &  i,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  b,
std::vector< int > &  scores 

Compute the 7 point score (as the maximum threshold at which the point will still be detected) for a std::vector of features.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Initial corner detection threshold. Using the same threshold as for corner detection will produce the quickest results, but any lower value (e.g. 0) will produce correct results.

void CVD::fast_corner_detect_8 ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier 

Perform tree based 8 point FAST feature detection.

This is more like an edge detector. If you use this, please cite the paper given in fast_corner_detect_9

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Corner detection threshold

void CVD::fast_corner_score_8 ( const SubImage< byte > &  i,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  b,
std::vector< int > &  scores 

Compute the 8 point score (as the maximum threshold at which the point will still be detected) for a std::vector of features.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Initial corner detection threshold. Using the same threshold as for corner detection will produce the quickest results, but any lower value (e.g. 0) will produce correct results.

void CVD::fast_corner_detect_9 ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier 

Perform tree based 9 point FAST feature detection as described in: Machine Learning for High Speed Corner Detection, E.

Rosten and T. Drummond. Results show that this is both the fastest and the best of the detectors. If you use this in published work, please cite:

	title       =    "Machine Learning for High Speed Corner Detection",
	author      =    "Edward Rosten and Tom Drummond",
	year        =    "2006",     
	month       =    "May",     
	booktitle   =    "9th European Conference on Computer Vision",

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Corner detection threshold

void CVD::fast_corner_score_9 ( const SubImage< byte > &  i,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  b,
std::vector< int > &  scores 

Compute the 9 point score (as the maximum threshold at which the point will still be detected) for a std::vector of features.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Initial corner detection threshold. Using the same threshold as for corner detection will produce the quickest results, but any lower value (e.g. 0) will produce correct results.

void CVD::fast_corner_detect_9_nonmax ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  max_corners,
int  barrier 

Perform FAST-9 corner detection (see fast_corner_detect_9), with nonmaximal suppression (see fast_corner_score_9 and nonmax_suppression).

im The input image
corners The resulting container of locally maximal corner locations
barrier Corner detection threshold

void CVD::fast_corner_detect_10 ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier 

Perform tree based 10 point FAST feature detection If you use this, please cite the paper given in fast_corner_detect.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Corner detection threshold

void CVD::fast_corner_score_10 ( const SubImage< byte > &  i,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  b,
std::vector< int > &  scores 

Compute the 10 point score (as the maximum threshold at which the point will still be detected) for a std::vector of features.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Initial corner detection threshold. Using the same threshold as for corner detection will produce the quickest results, but any lower value (e.g. 0) will produce correct results.

void CVD::fast_corner_detect_11 ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier 

Perform tree based 11 point FAST feature detection If you use this, please cite the paper given in fast_corner_detect_9.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Corner detection threshold

void CVD::fast_corner_score_11 ( const SubImage< byte > &  i,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  b,
std::vector< int > &  scores 

Compute the 11 point score (as the maximum threshold at which the point will still be detected) for a std::vector of features.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Initial corner detection threshold. Using the same threshold as for corner detection will produce the quickest results, but any lower value (e.g. 0) will produce correct results.

void CVD::fast_corner_detect_12 ( const BasicImage< byte > &  im,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  barrier 

Perform tree based 12 point FAST feature detection If you use this, please cite the paper given in fast_corner_detect_9.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Corner detection threshold

void CVD::fast_corner_score_12 ( const SubImage< byte > &  i,
const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
int  b,
std::vector< int > &  scores 

Compute the 11 point score (as the maximum threshold at which the point will still be detected) for a std::vector of features.

im The input image
corners The resulting container of corner locations
barrier Initial corner detection threshold. Using the same threshold as for corner detection will produce the quickest results, but any lower value (e.g. 0) will produce correct results.

template<class It>
void CVD::haar1D ( It  from,
It  to 
) [inline]

computes the 1D Haar transform of a signal in place.

This version takes two iterators, and the data between them will be transformed. Will only work correctly on 2^N data points.

from iterator pointing to the beginning of the data
to iterator pointing to the end (after the last element)

Definition at line 49 of file haar.h.

References CVD::haar1D().

Referenced by CVD::haar1D().

template<class It>
void CVD::haar1D ( It  from,
int  size 
) [inline]

computes the 1D Haar transform of a signal in place.

Will only work correctly on 2^N data points.

from iterator pointing to the beginning of the data
size number of data points, should be 2^N

Definition at line 64 of file haar.h.

References CVD::haar1D().

Referenced by CVD::haar1D(), and CVD::haar2D().

template<class It>
void CVD::haar2D ( It  from,
const int  width,
const int  height,
int  stride = -1 
) [inline]

computes the 2D Haar transform of a signal in place.

Works only with data with power of two dimensions, 2^N x 2^ M.

from iterator pointing to the beginning of the data
width columns of data, should be 2^N
height rows of data, should be 2^M
stride offset between rows, if negative will be set to width

Definition at line 76 of file haar.h.

References CVD::haar1D().

Referenced by CVD::haar2D().

template<class T>
void CVD::haar2D ( SubImage< T > &  I  )  [inline]

computes the 2D Haar transform of an image in place.

Works only with images with power of two dimensions, 2^N x 2^ M.

I image to be transformed

Definition at line 108 of file haar.h.

References CVD::SubImage< T >::data(), CVD::haar2D(), CVD::SubImage< T >::row_stride(), CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.

template<class Score, class Inserter, class C, class B>
void CVD::harrislike_corner_detect ( const BasicImage< B > &  i,
C &  c,
unsigned int  N,
float  blur,
float  sigmas,
BasicImage< float > &  xx,
BasicImage< float > &  xy,
BasicImage< float > &  yy 
) [inline]

Generic Harris corner detection function.

This can use any scoring metric and can store corners in any container. The images used to hold the intermediate results must be passed to this function.

i Input image.
c Container holding detected corners
N Number of corners to detect
blur Blur radius to use
sigmas Number of sigmas to use in blur.
xx Holds the result of blurred, squared X gradient.
xy Holds the result of blurred, X times Y gradient.
yy Holds the result of blurred, squared Y gradient.

Definition at line 81 of file harris_corner.h.

References CVD::convolveGaussian(), CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::ImageRef::x, CVD::ImageRef::y, and CVD::zeroBorders().

template<class S, class D>
void CVD::integral_image ( const SubImage< S > &  in,
SubImage< D > &  out 
) [inline]

Compute an integral image.

In an integral image, pixel (x,y) is equal to the sum of all the pixels in the rectangle from (0,0) to (x,y) in the original image. and reallocation is not performed if b is unique and of the correct size.

D The destination image pixel type
S The source image pixel type
in The source image.
out The source image.

Definition at line 38 of file integral_image.h.

References CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.

template<class S, class D>
Image<D> CVD::integral_image ( const BasicImage< S > &  from  )  [inline]

Compute an integral image.

In an integral image, pixel (x,y) is equal to the sum of all the pixels in the rectangle from (0,0) to (x,y) in the original image. Type deduction is automatic, and D can not be specified. The following usage will work:

 Image<byte> a;
 Image<int> b;
 b = integral_image(a);
Note that this is performed using lazy evaluation, so convertion happens on evaluation of assignment, and reallocation is not performed if b is unique and of the correct size.
D The destination image pixel type
S The source image pixel type
from The source image.
The integral image

double CVD::interpolate_extremum ( double  d1,
double  d2,
double  d3 

Interploate a 1D local extremem by fitting a quadratic tho the three data points and interpolating.

The middle argument must be the most extreme, and the extremum position is returned relative to 0.

Arguments are checked for extremeness by means of assert.

d1 Data point value for $x=-1$
d2 Data point value for $x=0$
d3 Data point value for $x=1$
The $x$ coordinate of the extremum.

Definition at line 43 of file interpolate.h.

Referenced by CVD::interpolate_extremum().

TooN::Vector<2> CVD::interpolate_extremum ( double  I__1__1,
double  I__1_0,
double  I__1_1,
double  I_0__1,
double  I_0_0,
double  I_0_1,
double  I_1__1,
double  I_1_0,
double  I_1_1 

Interpolate a 2D local maximum, by fitting a quadratic.

This is done by using using the 9 datapoints to compute the local Hessian using finite differences and finding the location where the gradient is zero.

Given the grid of pixels:

	    a b c
	    d e f
	    g h i
The centre pixel (e) must be the most extreme of all the pixels.

I__1__1 Pixel $(-1, -1)$ relative to the centre (a)
I__1_0 Pixel $(-1, 0)$ relative to the centre (b)
I__1_1 Pixel $(-1, 1)$ relative to the centre (c)
I_0__1 Pixel $( 0, -1)$ relative to the centre (d)
I_0_0 Pixel $( 0, 0)$ relative to the centre (e)
I_0_1 Pixel $( 0, 1)$ relative to the centre (f)
I_1__1 Pixel $( 1, -1)$ relative to the centre (g)
I_1_0 Pixel $( 1, 0)$ relative to the centre (h)
I_1_1 Pixel $( 1, 1)$ relative to the centre (i)
Location of the local extrema.

Definition at line 77 of file interpolate.h.

template<class I>
TooN::Vector<2> CVD::interpolate_extremum ( const SubImage< I > &  i,
ImageRef  p 
) [inline]

Interpolate a 2D local maximum, by fitting a quadratic.

i Image in which to interpolate extremum
p Point at which to interpolate extremum
Location of local extremum in image coordinates

Definition at line 113 of file interpolate.h.

References CVD::interpolate_extremum(), CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::vec(), CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.

std::pair<TooN::Vector<2>, double> CVD::interpolate_extremum_value ( double  I__1__1,
double  I__1_0,
double  I__1_1,
double  I_0__1,
double  I_0_0,
double  I_0_1,
double  I_1__1,
double  I_1_0,
double  I_1_1 

Interpolate a 2D local maximum, by fitting a quadratic.

This is done by using using the 9 datapoints to compute the local Hessian using finite differences and finding the location where the gradient is zero. This version returns also the value of the extremum.

Given the grid of pixels:

	    a b c
	    d e f
	    g h i
The centre pixel (e) must be the most extreme of all the pixels.

I__1__1 Pixel $(-1, -1)$ relative to the centre (a)
I__1_0 Pixel $(-1, 0)$ relative to the centre (b)
I__1_1 Pixel $(-1, 1)$ relative to the centre (c)
I_0__1 Pixel $( 0, -1)$ relative to the centre (d)
I_0_0 Pixel $( 0, 0)$ relative to the centre (e)
I_0_1 Pixel $( 0, 1)$ relative to the centre (f)
I_1__1 Pixel $( 1, -1)$ relative to the centre (g)
I_1_0 Pixel $( 1, 0)$ relative to the centre (h)
I_1_1 Pixel $( 1, 1)$ relative to the centre (i)
pair containing Location of the local extrema and the value

Definition at line 156 of file interpolate.h.

Referenced by CVD::interpolate_extremum_value().

template<class I>
std::pair<TooN::Vector<2>, double> CVD::interpolate_extremum_value ( const SubImage< I > &  i,
ImageRef  p 
) [inline]

Interpolate a 2D local maximum, by fitting a quadratic.

i Image in which to interpolate extremum
p Point at which to interpolate extremum
pair containing Location of local extremum in image coordinates and the value of the extemum

Definition at line 193 of file interpolate.h.

References CVD::interpolate_extremum_value(), CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::vec(), CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.

void CVD::nonmax_suppression_strict ( const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
const std::vector< int > &  scores,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  nmax_corners 

Perform nonmaximal suppression on a set of features, in a 3 by 3 window.

The test is strict: a point must be greater than its neighbours.

corners The corner locations
scores The corners' scores
max_corners The locally maximal corners.

void CVD::nonmax_suppression ( const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
const std::vector< int > &  scores,
std::vector< ImageRef > &  nmax_corners 

Perform nonmaximal suppression on a set of features, in a 3 by 3 window.

The test is non-strict: a point must be at least as large as its neighbours.

corners The corner locations
scores The corners' scores
max_corners The locally maximal corners.

void CVD::nonmax_suppression_with_scores ( const std::vector< ImageRef > &  corners,
const std::vector< int > &  socres,
std::vector< std::pair< ImageRef, int > > &  max_corners 

Perform nonmaximal suppression on a set of features, in a 3 by 3 window.

Non strict.

corners The corner locations
scores The corners' scores
max_corners The locally maximal corners, and their scores.

template<class C>
Image<TooN::Matrix<2> > CVD::dense_tensor_vote_gradients ( const SubImage< C > &  image,
double  sigma,
double  ratio,
double  cutoff = 0.001,
unsigned int  num_divs = 4096 
) [inline]

This function performs tensor voting on the gradients of an image.

The voting is performed densely at each pixel, and the contribution of each pixel is scaled by its gradient magnitude. The kernel for voting is computed as follows. Consider that there is a point at $(0,0)$, with gradient normal $(0,1)$. This will make a contribution to the point $(x,y)$.

The arc-length, $l$, of the arc passing through $(0,0)$, tangent to the gradient at this point and also passing through $(x, y)$ is:

\[ l = 2 r \theta \]


\[ \theta = \tan^{-1}\frac{y}{x} \]

and the radius of the arc, $r$ is:

\[ r = \frac{x^2 + y^2}{2y}. \]

The scale of the contribution is:

\[ s = e^{-\frac{l^2}{\sigma^2} - \kappa\frac{\sigma^2}{r^2}}. \]

Note that this is achieved by scaling $x$ and $y$ by $\sigma$, so $\kappa$ controls the kernel shape independent of the size. The complete tensor contribution is therefore:

\[ e^{-\frac{l^2}{\sigma^2} - \kappa\frac{\sigma^2}{r^2}} \left[ \begin{array}{c} \cos 2\theta\\ \sin 2\theta \end{array} \right] [ \cos 2\theta\ \ \sin 2\theta] \]

image The image on which to perform tensor voting
sigma $ \sigma $
ratio $ \kappa $
cutoff When $s$ points drop below the cutoff, it is set to zero.
num_divs The voting kernels are quantized by angle in to this many dicisions in the half-circle.

Definition at line 80 of file tensor_voting.h.

References CVD::SubImage< T >::row_stride(), CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::ImageRef::x, and CVD::ImageRef::y.

template<class T>
void CVD::halfSample ( const BasicImage< T > &  in,
BasicImage< T > &  out 
) [inline]

subsamples an image to half its size by averaging 2x2 pixel blocks

in input image
out output image, must have the right dimensions versus input image
IncompatibleImageSizes if out does not have half the dimensions of in

Definition at line 76 of file vision.h.

References CVD::SubImage< T >::data(), CVD::SubImage< T >::size(), CVD::SubImage< T >::totalsize(), and CVD::ImageRef::x.

Referenced by CVD::halfSample().

template<class T>
Image<T> CVD::halfSample ( const BasicImage< T > &  in  )  [inline]

subsamples an image to half its size by averaging 2x2 pixel blocks

in input image
The output image
IncompatibleImageSizes if out does not have half the dimensions of in

Definition at line 107 of file vision.h.

References CVD::halfSample(), and CVD::SubImage< T >::size().

template<class T>
Image<T> CVD::halfSample ( Image< T >  in,
unsigned int  octaves 
) [inline]

subsamples an image repeatedly by half its size by averaging 2x2 pixel blocks.

This version will not create a copy for 0 octaves because it receives already an Image and will reuse the data.

in input image
octaves number of halfsamplings
The output image
IncompatibleImageSizes if out does not have half the dimensions of in

Definition at line 123 of file vision.h.

References CVD::halfSample().

template<class T>
void CVD::threshold ( BasicImage< T > &  im,
const T &  minimum,
const T &  hi 
) [inline]

thresholds an image by setting all pixel values below a minimum to 0 and all values above to a given maximum

im input image changed in place
minimum threshold value
hi maximum value for values above the threshold

Definition at line 136 of file vision.h.

References CVD::BasicImage< T >::begin(), and CVD::BasicImage< T >::end().

template<class T>
void CVD::stats ( const BasicImage< T > &  im,
T &  mean,
T &  stddev 
) [inline]

computes mean and stddev of intensities in an image.

These are computed for each component of the pixel type, therefore the output are two pixels with mean and stddev for each component.

im input image
mean pixel element containing the mean of intensities in the image for each component
stddev pixel element containing the standard deviation for each component

Definition at line 156 of file vision.h.

References CVD::SubImage< T >::data(), and CVD::SubImage< T >::totalsize().

template<class S, class T>
void CVD::gradient ( const BasicImage< S > &  im,
BasicImage< T > &  out 
) [inline]

computes the gradient image from an image.

The gradient image contains two components per pixel holding the x and y components of the gradient.

im input image
out output image, must have the same dimensions as input image
IncompatibleImageSizes if out does not have same dimensions as im

Definition at line 218 of file vision.h.

References CVD::SubImage< T >::size().

Variable Documentation

const ImageRef CVD::fast_pixel_ring[16]

The 16 offsets from the centre pixel used in FAST feature detection.

Generated on Wed Feb 18 10:23:03 2009 for CVD by  doxygen 1.5.3