
Detailed Description

Exceptions generated and thrown by CVD classes and functions.


namespace  CVD::Exceptions::Convolution
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::DeinterlaceBuffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::Draw
namespace  CVD::Exceptions
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::GLWindow
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::Image
namespace  CVD::ImageError
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::TimedDiskBuffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::VideoBuffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::VideoDisplay
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::Vision
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer
namespace  CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl


struct  CVD::Exceptions::Convolution::All
 Base class for all Image_IO exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Convolution::IncompatibleImageSizes
 Input images have incompatible dimensions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DeinterlaceBuffer::All
 Base class for all DeinterlaceBuffer exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DeinterlaceBuffer::OddNumberOfLines
 The VideoBuffer that is being wrapped does not have an even number of lines (so the odd and even- fields would not be the same size). More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::All
 Base class for all DiskBuffer2 exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::NoFiles
 An empty list of filename strings was passed to the buffer. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadFile
 An error occurred trying to open a file. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadImage
 An error occurred trying to read a file as an image. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadImageSize
 The file loaded was a different size from the first frame. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::EndOfBuffer
 get_frame() was called when at the end of the buffer More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DiskBuffer2::BadSeek
 seek_to() was called for an invalid timestamp More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Draw::All
 Base class for all Image_IO exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Draw::ImageRefNotInImage
 Input ImageRef not within image dimensions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Draw::IncompatibleImageSizes
 Input images have incompatible dimensions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::All
 Base class for all CVD exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::OutOfMemory
 Out of memory exception. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::GLWindow::All
 Base class for all CVD::GLWindow exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::GLWindow::CreationError
 An exception occurred during initialisation. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::GLWindow::RuntimeError
 An exception occurred during run-time. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Image::All
 Base class for all Image_IO exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Image::IncompatibleImageSizes
 Input images have incompatible dimensions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Image::ImageRefNotInImage
 Input ImageRef not within image dimensions. More...
class  CVD::ImageError::AccessOutsideImage
 An attempt was made to access a pixel outside the image. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::TimedDiskBuffer::All
 Base class for all DiskBuffer2 exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::TimedDiskBuffer::IncompatibleListLengths
 list lengths for name and time lists do not agree More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoBuffer::All
 Base class for all VideoBuffer exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoBuffer::BadPutFrame
 The VideoBuffer was unable to successfully complete a VideoBuffer::put_frame() operation. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoBuffer::BadColourSpace
 The videobuffer was unable to successfully initialize grabbing in the specified colourspace. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoDisplay::All
 Base class for all CVD::VideoDisplay exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoDisplay::InitialisationError
 An exception occurred during initialisation. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoDisplay::RuntimeError
 An exception occurred during run-time. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::All
 Base class for all VideoFileBuffer exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::FileOpen
 Unable to open the file as a video stream, for various reasons. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::BadFrameAlloc
 Unable to open allocate a video frame. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::BadDecode
 Unable to decode the video frame. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::EndOfFile
 get_frame() was called when at the end of the buffer More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::VideoFileBuffer::BadSeek
 seek_to() was called for an invalid timestamp More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Vision::All
 Base class for all Image_IO exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Vision::IncompatibleImageSizes
 Input images have incompatible dimensions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::Vision::ImageRefNotInImage
 Input ImageRef not within image dimensions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::All
 Base class for all V4L2 exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::Raw1394Setup
 Error with RAW1394 setup. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::DC1394Setup
 Error with DC1394 setup. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::BadCameraSelection
 Bad camera selection. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::BusReset
 Bus reset needed. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::DeviceOpen
 Error opening the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::DeviceSetup
 Error doing some later setup action. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::PutFrame
 Error in a put_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer::GetFrame
 Error in a get_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::DVBuffer3::All
 Class for all DVBuffer3 exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::All
 Base class for all V4L1 exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::DeviceOpen
 Error opening the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::DeviceSetup
 Error setting up the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::PutFrame
 Error in a put_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L1Buffer::GetFrame
 Error in a get_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::All
 Base class for all V4L2 exceptions. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::DeviceOpen
 Error opening the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::DeviceSetup
 Error setting up the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::PutFrame
 Error in a put_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4L2Buffer::GetFrame
 Error in a get_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::All
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::DeviceOpen
 Error opening the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::DeviceSetup
 Error setting up the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::PutFrame
 Error in a put_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LBuffer::GetFrame
 Error in a get_frame() call. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::All
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::DeviceOpen
 Error opening the device. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::ParameterNotSupported
 Unsupported parameter. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::GetValue
 Error querying value. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::SetValue
 Error setting value. More...
struct  CVD::Exceptions::V4LControl::QueryParameters
 Error querying device parameters. More...

Generated on Wed Feb 18 10:23:03 2009 for CVD by  doxygen 1.5.3