#include <cvd/image_io.h> using namespace CVD; int main() { Image<byte> in; //Declares an 8 bit greyscale image in = img_load("test_image.jpg"); img_save(in, "new_image.png"); return 0; }
CVD::img_load can be given either a filename or an istream. In this case, the image will be converted in to an 8 bit geryscale image automatically to match the type of in
CVD::img_save can be given a filename or an ostream to save to. It can also be given an image type. In the absence of a type, it will use the extension of the filename to deduce the image type. It will choose the optimum number of channels and bits per channel based on the type of in
and the availability of features in the image file format being used. Consequently, the resulting image in new_image.png
will be 8 bit greyscale.
#include <cvd/image_io.h> using namespace CVD; int main() { Image<Rgb<float> > in; //Declares a floating rgb image in = img_load("test_image.jpg"); img_save(in, "new_image.png"); return 0; }
This example loads and saves a file via a floating point RGB image. In this case, the file saved will be an RGB PNG image with 16 bits per channel, since that is the best available match to Image<Rgb<byte> >
Images of any builtin type can be made, loaded in to and saved from as gery scale images. RGB images can be used via CVD::Rgb and RGBA images via CVD::Rgba.
#include <cvd/image_io.h> #include <cvd/videodisplay.h> //Very cheap and cheerful X window with OpenGL capabilities #include <cvd/gl_helpers.h> //OpenGL wrappers for various CVD types using namespace CVD; int main() { Image<Rgb<byte> > in; in = img_load("test_image.jpg"); VideoDisplay window(in.size()); //Create an OpenGL window with the dimensions of `in' glDrawPixels(in); glColor3f(1,0,0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex(in.size()/2); glVertex(in.size()); glEnd(); glFlush(); std::cin.get(); return 0; }
This program loads and displays an image, then draws a red diagonal line from the center to the bottom right corner of the image. The OpenGL coordinate system is set up so that (0,0) corresponds to pixel (0,0) in the image. Note that OpenGL wrappers exist for CVD's size objects (known as CVD::ImageRef).
#include <cvd/image_io.h> using namespace CVD; using namespace std; int main() { Image<Rgb<byte> > in; in = img_load("test_image.jpg"); ImageRef pos; pos.x = 0; pos.y = in.size().y / 2; cout << "Pixel at x=10, y=3 = " << in[3][10] << endl; cout << "Pixel at x=0, and half way down = " << in[pos] << endl; return 0; }
Making duplicate copies of the data must be done explicitly:
Image<byte> a, b; ... ... //fill in a with somethng ... ... //Duplicate a's data b.copy_from(a);
vector<Image<byte> > some_images(an_image, 13);
vector<Image<byte> > some_images(CreateImagesBegin(an_image), CreateImagesEnd(an_image, 13));
#include <cvd/videosource.h> #include <cvd/videodisplay.h> #include <cvd/gl_helpers.h> using namespace CVD; int main() { VideoBuffer<Rgb<byte> > * video_buffer = open_video_source<Rgb<byte> >("v4l2:///dev/video0"); VideoDisplay disp(video_buffer->size()); while(1) { VideoFrame<Rgb<byte> > *frame = video_buffer->get_frame(); glDrawPixels(*frame); video_buffer->put_frame(frame); } }
Video is obtained from CVD::VideoBuffer's, which are templated on the type of the frame (like CVD::Image). CVD::open_video_source is the most convinient way to open a video, and uses a URL like syntax. For example:
CVD::open_video_source is a convinience function. More flexibility can be gained by using the underlying CVD::VideoBuffer classes such as CVD::DVBuffer2.
VideoBuffers return CVD::VideoFrame objects, instead of images. These share much of the same functionality with images, but they do not perform reference counting. However, they do have features specific to video, such as a timestamp. Images and VideoFrames actually share the same base class.
After use, video frames must be returned to the video buffer. The number of frames which can be held out simultaneously depends on the buffer type. This number tends to be very limited if videos come from a hardware source.
#include <cvd/image_io.h> using namespace CVD; int main() { try { Image<byte> in = img_load("this_file_does_not_exist"); } catch(Exceptions::All error) { std::cerr << "Error: " << error.what << std::endl; } return 0; }