I work in the field of computer vision in the machine intelligence lab in the engineering department of the University of Cambridge.
Convert-XY was developed to enable writing programs in a natural mix of C++ and Python. It allows the mising of dynamic types with statically instantiated C++ templates, and maintains a natural type system in both languages.
This work presenst the FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test) and the FAST-ER (FAST-Enhanced Repeatability) corner detectors. Full source code for both using existing detectors and creating new detectors is available.
Radial distortion can be deduced from a single image by finding parameters which make straight lines in the world straight in the image.
The repeatability of a corner detector is an important factor in determining its performance. This work makes available a dataset for easil ymeasuring the repeatability of a corner detector.
Label placement is an important topic in augmented reality. This work presents an efficient method for unobtrusice placement of labels in live video without the need for a model.
3D tracking can be made to be very robust by fusing corner point and edge based information. Additionally, curved 3D object can be tracked from a model with edge based tracking and a hidden line renderer.
Updated February 26th 2014, 05:49